Regulatory Capital

3482 days ago

Reader Comment of the day: TurboMuncher on the Quindell cash Crisis

It is abundantly clear that Quenron (QPP) now faces a cash crisis of monumental proportions. I am sure that the FCA is now monitoring its Regulatory capital position with extreme concern. And if you want to know what happens when this becomes an issue have a look at Daniel Stewart HERE. I flagged up earlier today, one way in which Quenron is hiding this time bomb from investors – by delaying salary payments HERE – but the other obvious way is by not paying its bills, something you would not be able to gauge from the cobblers in its trading statement of Monday. But poster TurboMubcher has the data and puts it into context for you in an excellent post:

Do I get a thumbs up for the Dun & Bradstreet lead, T-Dubya?!  ;)
